One Spin of the Simian T Mystery Machine

— Sold out

THE SPINNING WILL HAPPEN LIVE on IG (@simian_cheese) ON WEDS AUG 3 at 8:30PM Eastern time. See you then!! Woohoo!

$8 gets you one spin. One spin guarantees you one Simian T head. The machine is full of a random assortment of keshi and hard rubber Ts. Some glow, some change color in the sun, some change color in heat, some are clear, some are not, some bounce others clank, some light up under black light, some do nothing.

SOMEONE WILL GET THE GOLDEN T!!! Whoever this is will win a random pile of Simian goods. I am not sure what it is yet, but you won't be disappointed. And if you are, you can try to sell them on eBay where you will be disappointed.